
Maxim is a very good friend, a hardworking guy and an extraordinary sportsman. He is really funny, really cool and really calm. When I'm with him, we always laugh and always have fun but when we have to work, he gets dead serious.



Martin is skinny and medium-sized with black hair and black eyes, Martin seems average and reserved at first sight.
But, if you take the time to speak with him and discover his hobbies, you can see another personnality, more friendly, less reserved, more surprising.

A theater buff, Martin has entusiastically taken on drama in recent years.  Maybe we have a budding actor in Courbevoie... or a future guitarist ! Playing the guitar is his second activity. Martin prefers artistic activities, he can express himself freely and joyfully.
However, if you want to do sports with Martin, take your bike and pedal with him on the Tour de France or pull on your swimsuit to dive in the Atlantic Ocean or just in the swimming pool.

If you don't believe my Martin's description, check for yourself !




 Well, I don't really know how to describe Théo. I had never seen him before this year, but I learnt to know him and I discovered a very good friend. I think I can describe him as a stadium during a rugby game. He would be everywhere. On the field, proud to lead his team to victory but also in the audience to encourage his favourite team or a friend.
He has a special sense of humour and he knows the right time for jokes.

He's also a lover.


Rouhani calling

Rouhani calling
روحانی دستگاه
      Iranian new president Hassan Rouhani and US president Barack Obama have spoken on the phone…and made history
        For a few weeks, Iran has been in the public eye. First Rouhani asked to meet French president François Hollande. The Iranian president is seen as a religious moderate so Hollande accepted. They met last Tuesday at the UN generalassembly where Rouhani gave a speech about Syria.

       The telephone call came on Friday, while Mr Rouhani was heading to the airport. It was the first conversation between the two heads of state who mainly discussed Iran's nuclear program. Earlier Rouhani had said that he wanted to reach a deal “within three or six months.” Of course, Iran is still claiming that its nuclear program is about producing electricity.
       Iran is devising a new international policy but not everybody likes it. The Israeli government, Iran's arch enemy, warned the USA and the international community over what they call Hassan Rouhani’s “hypocrisy”. For the moment, this new face of Iran leaves some countries suspicious.
Rohani à l'appareil
      Le nouveau président iranien Hassan Rohani et le président des Etats-Unis Barack Obama se sont parlé au téléphone. Un échange historique.

       Depuis quelques semaines, l'Iran est sur le devant de la scène. C'est quand Rohani a demandé à rencontrer le président français François Hollande que tout a commencé. Son homologue iranien est perçu comme un religieux modéré donc Hollande a accepté. Ils se sont rencontrés mardi dernier à l'assemblée générale des Nations Unies où Rohani a prononcé un discours sur la Syrie.
          L'entretien téléphonique s'est déroulé vendredi alors que M. Rohani se rendait à l'aéroport après sa visite à New York. C'était la première conversation entre les deux chefs d’état depuis la révolution islamique de 1979. Le sujet principal de leur discussion était le programme nucléaire iranien. Rohani avait auparavant déclaré qu'il souhaitait trouver un accord d’ici « trois à six mois ». Bien sûr, l'Iran affirme toujours que son programme nucléaire est pacifique et destiné à produire de l’électricité.
          L'Iran est en train de bâtir une nouvelle politique internationale mais l'assentiment n'est pas général. Le gouvernement israélien, l'ennemi juré de l'Iran, a mis en garde les États-Unis et la communauté internationale sur ce qu'elle appelle « l'hypocrisie » d'Hassan Rohani. En effet, le nouveau visage de l'Iran est regardé avec quelques soupçons par de nombreux pays.

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